Red Turnip Theater Closes Season 2 with Time Stands Still

It's been a while since the last time I saw a play from this new theater company that is currently receiving raves around the metro.  After a very successful set of shows with Closer, Cock and Rabbit Hole, Red Turnip Theater is back for another exciting and sensible production set to close their well received second season.

"Time Stands Still" tells the story of Sarah (Ana Abad Santos), a photojournalist based in a war-torn Middle East and her struggles as she comes back to America with her boyfriend James (Nonie Buencamino).  Sustaining some major injuries from her job, can Sarah face domestic life not knowing that it is something much worse than the War she experienced in the east.  Keeping up with their chosen niche to stage intimate straight plays, Red Turnip Theater picked "Time Stands Still" because it is a material that can surely stimulate your senses and teach a thing or two about commitment and responsibility.

L-R: Nonie Buencamino (James), Ana Abad Santos (Sarah), Rem Zamora (Director), Nor Domingo (Richard) and Giannina Ocampo (Mandy).

The cast will be top-billed by Ana Abad Santos (Metro Manila) who will play Sarah and Nonie Buencamino (Barber's Tale) as her boyfriend James.  In support, Nor Domingo (haring Lear) and Giannina Ocampo (Cinderella) is joining the cast as Richard and Mandy respectively while Rem Zamora, one of Red Turnip Theater's founder (together with Abad Santos) is stepping up again as the director after his successful run with "Cock".

I've known everyone from this production and I already know how they work.  So just based on experience, I can confidently say that this next offering from Red Turnip is something theater buffs out there can surely enjoy whether it is to satisfy their artsy tastes or just simply be entertained with a beautiful straight play from a group of talented artists. 

"Time Stands Still" will start its run on January 30 until March 8, 2015 at the Whitespace 2314 Chino Roces Avenue Ext. (formerly Pasong Tamo Ext.), Makati.  For tickets, call Ticket World at 8919999.  For more details about Red Turnip Theater like their Facebook account here.

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